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Developing Forest of the Whispering Flames

This game was one of my first attempts to use an advanced game design engine to make a complete game experience. It was an independent project with the goal of learning. Past the flashy exterior, the true work came from hours of work in learning blueprint coding as I had only worked with in line coding before hand. Most of the models used were purchased models from the unreal store or prepackaged models with the unreal starter content.

FOTWF Description: Bio

The Story

The Forest of the Whispering Flame is a small section of a full story that has yet to be finished. But that Doesn't mean it doesn't have it's own story to be told.

The Forest is an area on the way to the chapel which is home to the boss at the end of the level, The Flame of Wrath. The Flame of Wrath is a feared individual who has claimed many lives, including the life of one you loved. Now, seeking only vengeance for your loss, you must fight your way through the horrors of the forest. Burned remains of his previous victims lurk through the forest as the flames harness their lost souls. The flames whisper to you as you pass, warning you of the demise that awaits at the end of the forest in the chapel.

FOTWF Description: Text
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